Microsoft Releases New Entertainment Robot

By Kayla Jackson

On March 30, 2017, Microsoft releases a humanlike robot named Ruuh, made for users in India, and talks about entertainment.

Microsoft is known for their electronic devices, computer software, and their distinct red, green, blue, and orange logo. But their latest product is an artificial intelligence robot named Ruhh, that was made for facebook messenger and other entertainment things. Like music, social media, etc. Ruuh is only accessible for facebook users in India. “Do not rely on her statements as advice, counseling or endorsements,” Microsoft said on their Facebook page. Microsoft also has many other chatbots, like one named Xiaoice, which was released in China, in 2014. The chatbot was a huge success, many people  use Xiaoice to chat with, and look up information. 

In 2016, chatbots didn’t too well. One of the chatbots named Tay was designed to be a young American woman with a playful streak. But ended up getting provoked by web trolls. This messed with her software, and her responses contained racially charged tweets and other offensive things, which forced Microsoft to shut her down. She was supposed to get released again with a completely new set up, but Microsoft decided to keep her down.

Since theses robots are getting so popular, Microsoft is trying to find ways to incorporate chatbots in the daily life. People in Australia and New Zealand can order a Domino’s Pizza on their smartphone using chatbots high tech from Nuance Communications. It’s also known as dragon dictation software, which uses artificial intelligence technology, and is a ran by the Nina virtual assistant engine company, allowing customers to place food orders using a chat interface or speech recognition.
Cisco and the bot platform builder Gupshupand who is a natural language technology specialist are working together to advance the chatbots functions, and capabilities.


Microsoft Releases Entertainment Chatbot Named Ruuh in India

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